Miriam El-Mahdi

Miriam El-Mahdi

PhD fellow

With a background in health sciences and global health, I am particularly interested in how digital health and data shape how development aid and humanitarian work are carried out and understood. In the past, I have worked at different organisations at the intersection of (global) health, development, and governance incl. development agencies, NGOs, and national governments.

Current research

I work as a PhD fellow within a project called “DataSpace” at the Section for Health Services Research (STF). Within the DataSpace project, I focus on how different organizations (for-profit, not-for-profit, and non-profit) utilize data in data infrastructures. Taking an STS (Science and Technology Studies) perspective, I will research which economic, social, emotional (and other) values data infrastructures hold for commercial companies and other organizations (such as NGOs or non-profit) and how this value is produced and maintained. For this, I will mainly use qualitative methodologies incl. (digital) ethnography.

ID: 391506849