Protein Imaging Platform
The Protein Imaging Platform provides access to advanced light microscopy and image analysis for all scientists at CPR. We have a broad expertise in many bio-imaging applications and our mission is to share this knowledge with our users for the benefit of their research projects.
The Imaging Platform houses several state-of-the-art microscopes that can be used to explore the function, localisation, spatio-temporal dynamics and abundance of proteins in cells and tissues in various ways. One very popular technology among users is High-Content Microscopy (HCM), which is typically used for cell-based genetic and chemical compound screens. At CPR, we use HCM mainly for Quantitative Image-Based Cytometry (QIBC) a very powerful technique that was developed in CPR and that allows profiling of multiple cellular states (such as cell cycle, DNA damage, DNA replication) in large cell populations with single-cell resolution. Another popular microscopy technique is Live-cell Imaging Microscopy, for single cell tracking over several generations, measurement of protein dynamics in live cells using photobleaching tools, or laser micro-irradiation for localized DNA damage. The Platform also offers two broadly applicable super-resolution microscopy techniques, AiryScan and STED microscopy, the latter one in collaboration with the CFIM Facility. Finally, we have many active contacts to other imaging facilities in the world (including ALMF at EMBL, Micron at Oxford University) and can mediate access to additional imaging technologies.
All CPR scientists who wish to use the Imaging Platform microscopes for their research, are enrolled in a two-step training program, after which they can then independently work with these technologies. In addition, we offer continuous support and consultation for experimental planning, preparation of samples for microscopy, advice on material, and choice of suitable microscopes for a given project. Of equal importance, we provide computational resources for image analysis, development of custom-made software tools, and offer training and support for analyzing imaging data. In collaboration with other Imaging Facilities in Copenhagen, we organize seminars or workshops focused on bioimaging and image analysis. The Imaging Platform is a member of the Danish Bioimaging Network and engages with Technology Platforms at other Novo Nordisk Foundation Centers. The Platform regularly participates in the CPR Summer School teaching of undergraduate students.
Staff in the Protein Imaging Platform