The Early Bronze Age Murayghat Bowls - an example of commensal eating?

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The Early Bronze Age I is a time of considerable change, in both material as well as organisational aspects of the society. The ways social prestige, affiliation and power are expressed changes from the Late Chalcolithic with its prestige items and cultic objects to the EB II/III more urbanised society, where power and prestige are based in agricultural and pastoral land. In the EB I the burial pattern of the Chalcolithic with its cemeteries continues, but develops into a landscape phenomenon, expressed in dolmen fields, where groups could have come together to bury their dead and engage in rituals, necessary to negotiate and foster social cohesion in a changing society under certain pressure.
TitelThe proceedings of the 12th ICAANE
Antal sider9
ForlagHarrossowitz Verlag
ISBN (Trykt)9783447118736
StatusUdgivet - 2023

ID: 284774060