Jesper Velgaard Olsen

Jesper Velgaard Olsen

Professor, Deputy Head of Centre, Professor

Member of:

    1. 2006
    2. Status of complete proteome analysis by mass spectrometry: SILAC labeled yeast as a model system

      de Godoy, L. M. F., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, de Souza, G. A., Li, G., Mortensen, P. & Mann, Matthias, 2006, In: Genome Biology. 7, 6, p. R50

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    3. The human urinary proteome contains more than 1500 proteins, including a large proportion of membrane proteins

      Adachi, J., Kumar, C., Zhang, Y., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard & Mann, Matthias, 2006, In: Genome Biology. 7, 9, p. R80

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    4. Top-down protein sequencing and MS3 on a hybrid linear quadrupole ion trap-orbitrap mass spectrometer

      Macek, B., Waanders, L. F., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard & Mann, Matthias, 2006, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 5, 5, p. 949-58 9 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    5. 2005
    6. Parts per million mass accuracy on an Orbitrap mass spectrometer via lock mass injection into a C-trap

      Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, de Godoy, L. M. F., Li, G., Macek, B., Mortensen, P., Pesch, R., Makarov, A., Lange, O., Horning, S. & Mann, Matthias, 2005, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 4, 12, p. 2010-21 11 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    7. Proteomic mapping of brain plasma membrane proteins

      Nielsen, P. A., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Podtelejnikov, A. V., Andersen, J. R., Mann, Matthias & Wisniewski, J. R., 2005, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 4, 4, p. 402-8 6 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    8. Quantitative phosphoproteomics applied to the yeast pheromone signaling pathway

      Gruhler, A., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Mohammed, S., Mortensen, P., Faergeman, N. J., Mann, Matthias & Jensen, O. N., 2005, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 4, 3, p. 310-27 17 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    9. SUMO modification of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-25K

      Pichler, A., Knipscheer, P., Oberhofer, E., van Dijk, W. J., Körner, R., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Jentsch, S., Melchior, F. & Sixma, T. K., 2005, In: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 12, 3, p. 264-9 5 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    10. 2004
    11. HysTag--a novel proteomic quantification tool applied to differential display analysis of membrane proteins from distinct areas of mouse brain

      Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Andersen, J. R., Nielsen, P. A., Nielsen, Michael Lund, Figeys, D., Mann, Matthias & Wisniewski, J. R., Jan 2004, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 3, 1, p. 82-92 10 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    12. De novo sequencing of antimicrobial peptides isolated from the venom glands of the wolf spider Lycosa singoriensis

      Budnik, B. A., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Egorov, T. A., Anisimova, V. E., Galkina, T. G., Musolyamov, A. K., Grishin, E. V. & Zubarev, R. A., 2004, In: Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 39, 2, p. 193-201 8 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    13. Improved peptide identification in proteomics by two consecutive stages of mass spectrometric fragmentation

      Olsen, Jesper Velgaard & Mann, Matthias, 2004, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 101, 37, p. 13417-22 5 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    ID: 9925376