10 May 2017

Matthias Mann receives EMBL Lennart Philipson Award

Mathias MannMatthias Mann, Research Director for the Proteomics Program at CPR and former Group Leader in EMBL’s Instrumentation Programme (1992-1998), has been selected as the 2017 Lennart Philipson Award winner for his pioneering work in the field of mass spectrometry-based proteomics.

Matthias has contributed breakthroughs that have revolutionised proteomics techniques in biomedical laboratories around the world. His contributions include the “peptide sequence tag” approach which allows proteins to be computationally identified by the fragment spectra; nanoelectrospray which allows minute quantities of protein to be tested; and methods for analysing proteins after extracting them from gels.

Text in this article originates from EMBL website - check it out!